I am a little late in posting this week because I have had to put my computer aside on multiple occasions because my posts were quickly becoming vehement anti-Navy posts. I will spare you all (hopefully) all the ranges of emotion I have been going through the past few weeks, but give you a little taste instead, and wrap up with some great insights by my wise mother. Side note, thank goodness for two amazing moms who speak so much truth about God's faithfulness into my life!
I'm not sure about you other wives out there, but for me, one of the biggest challenges is seeing my husband frustrated, exhausted, and discouraged and being able to do absolutely nothing about it. That is our life right now. Last week, we calculated it, and David spend 128 hours at work and then came home and spent several more hours every night on the phone dealing with issues at work. In case you're wondering, a week only has 168 hours all together. They are working like crazy to get this boat out of the shipyard and have had a lot of bumps along the way. I guess that's what happens when you push guys to work 14+ hour days and 24 hour shifts every two or three days for weeks on end. People make mistakes, and when you're dealing with a nuclear submarine, a mistake is a big deal. I won't continue to drag you thought my frustration any more because I could go on for quite a while. Let's just say, it's been really hard. However, my mom called me yesterday to speak some truth into my week-long bad mood and frustration. She has been frustrated for me as I continue to call and vent about the newest terrible day David has had, but she said that she was really struck by the sermon their pastor gave on Sunday and had to share it with me. The pastor spoke about Joseph. He talked about all the years of hardship he went through with seemingly no purpose. Joseph had a hard time of it at every turn. He wasn't rewarded for anything he did, in fact, the opposite was true, he had a miserable time of it even when he worked hard, and did what he was supposed to do. Later, however, if you remember, Joseph was rewarded immensely for his faithfulness and was put in charge of an incredible amount in Egypt, but it was a long time in coming. My mom reminded me that sometimes, we go through valleys, sometimes are are on top of the mountains. However, in all those places, God is faithful, and has a plan for us, even when it seems pointless, unfair, and ridiculous. When you are in the valley's, look up. Seek God's face instead of wallowing in the valley, and when you're on the mountain, look down, and remember where you were and be gracious and reach out to those in the valley. Thanks, Mom, for being willing to speak truth into my life, especially when I just want to wallow in the valley.
Here are a few good things that did happen this week. It's looking like even in the midst of the craziness at work, we are going to get to go on our long weekend getaway this weekend! WOOHOO!! I don't know that we have needed a getaway more in our marriage so far than this weekend. We are heading to Asheville, and couldn't be more excited! Also, it's looking like David is going to be able to move up his detachment date by two months so that he can play this month's shore tour slate! Basically, that means that he will be able to choose from the shore tour options that have come out this month because this month has several of his "dream jobs" on it, instead of having to wait a few more months like he was scheduled to have to do. We are super grateful for the boat being willing to change his schedule. Now, we start praying that he gets the job he is wanting, and that regardless of what job he gets, we will have peace with where God chooses to place us. Here is this week's belly shot! He is doing some serious growing in there!