This blog post is greatly overdue. I have so much to catch up on! As I write, Baby G is having a great time burrowing himself up under my ribs and giving the occasional kick. Thanks, buddy. That's feeling great. :-) Pregnancy updates...I started going to the chiropractor! We will see how it goes. First week was great, second week, not so much. Hopefully last week was my own fault for carrying tons of heavy groceries, moving some furniture while my hubby was at work and hauling the pack n play and carseat into the nursery. It sounded like much more of a good idea before I wrote that all out. Maybe nesting needs to have its limits. We did get a lot done on the nursery, though! The last two weeks we have been painting, sanding, finishing, planning, sewing and shopping. Biggest news, yesterday, David finished the crib!!! Woohooo! I'm so excited. It looks beautiful. Here are a few in-progress shots. I'll post more when we get our mattress in the mail and can put the crib all together! Oh, and don't worry, Ladies, I was wearing a mask while painting. Let's be honest, though, it's not as attractive for a photo op.

Early in week 32, I also enjoyed a wonderful week down in Charlotte and Charleston. It started off fabulously with my Mother-in-law and Sisters-in law, throwing me an amazing shower!! Everything was nautical themed, and completely adorable!!! They did an incredible job and I felt so loved. It was so much fun seeing so many people that I had not seen in a very long time. Thank you, everyone, for all of your support, encouragement, gifts, and friendship. It all means so much to us as we start this new journey of parenthood!

Following the shower, my sisters and I went down to Charleston for a few days. It was glorious. We just relaxed on the beach, and ate delicious food. My kind of vacation. The beach was perfect. There is just something about North and South Carolina beaches that far surpass anything we have here in Virginia. A few shopping sprees, sunburns, calories, and memories later, we headed back to Charlotte. Hopefully, we will see you next year, Charleston! I spent the rest of the day Thursday and half a day Friday with my family before heading back up to Norfolk. Next time I am in Charlotte most likely, I will be bringing a baby! So crazy! There are a million pictures on Facebook, but here are a few of my favorites.

Week 33 has been a blur with sewing projects, organizing, Dr. appts, and work. However, our biggest update this week is David and I worked on ranking our choices for our shore duty and where we will live next! It's a little stressful and crazy, but also really exciting. As friends begin to move away, and David's work continues to get more and more difficult, we are looking forward to a change. It is stressful trying to decide our ranking of where we could spend the next several years of our lives. However, I am trying to remember that 1. The Navy is ultimately making this decision, so don't get your hopes up and 2. God has a plan for us, and will place us somewhere that will be good for us. I'm especially trying to focus on the latter. Stay tuned for where our next adventure will be! We should find out around the end of September.
Here are pictures of Baby G from weeks 32 and 33!