Wednesday, September 17, 2014

About Time...

Well, I can definitely say that there are some things in the past 6 months I have done well...however, staying current with blogging, unfortunately, has not been one of them!  You know when you were single and you made those Pinterest boards that you called "Some day..." or "Things I'll Do When I Have Baby" or "I'm Going to Be the World's Most Amazing Mom?"  You know those boards?  Spoiler alert - you probably won't actually do any of them.  A little depressing?  Yea, I know.  But guess what?  You might not have you whole house organized into learning centers, or dress your child in bow ties and fedoras, or have a beautiful, perfect, constantly updated baby book, BUT you'll do some other pretty amazing keep your baby alive, and wake up at night and make him feel loved and cared for, and feed him, and help him make friends, and discipline him, and let him explore and grow, and pray with him, and pray for him, and keep him clean and safe, and oh yea, sacrifice a whole lot.  So, guess what?  You are the world's most amazing mom, even if you don't have a pinterest board labeled "Crafty Amazing Creative Unique Over Achiever My-Kid-Is-Going-To-Harvard-Before-They're-2 Things I've Already Done As a Mom and My Kid is Only 9 Months" boards.
So can you tell that I'm preaching to myself a little bit over here?  Things are finally calm here after a busy summer of visitors and a 2.5 week vacation to Charlotte to visit family.  It was so wonderful but oh so busy.  Now that I'm home and things are totally calm, I'm finding myself itching to do something amazing.  Something challenging.  Something different.  I spent the morning looking at job postings...even though it would be completely impractical and impossible right now.  I have so many friends and family members beginning new "chapters" and we are praying a lot about our future plans as well.  It's interesting how I can so easily look at everyone and everything around me and instantly feel discontent.  I have so many things that I could be doing and a giant to-do list and instead I want to do anything but those things.  This morning, my prayer has been that God will show me words that I need to hear for where my heart is right now...and here are a few things that I found.
Joshua 24:14,15b,  
"Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness...then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."
Ruth 3:11b
"All my fellow townsmen know that you are a woman of noble character."
Psalm 37:7a
"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him."
and then this quote from Corrie Ten Boom
"Lord Jesus, I give my 'if onlies' to you.  Make me a faithful laborer here and now."

Faithfulness, contentment, stillness.  Lord, help me to instead pursue these things and be known as a woman of noble character instead of the mom who "has it all together."                                                                                


  1. Beautiful, Anna! I needed to read this :-)

  2. Oh my goodness! I've been in the same "what is my next phase" slump too! Let me know if you have any mantra right now is the song "Lead Me" but I substitute words to make it applicable to a wife and mother instead of a husband/dad but man it's hard!
